Product School Final Project NYT Cooking app
At the beginning of 2021, I signed up for a Product Management Certification course with the Product School. It was a 8-week course that met 2 times a week. I honed my product skills and learned a lot of new skills. For my final project I focused on the New York Times Cooking app. I love the app and use it frequently. I noticed that due to the deep library of recipes, many older recipes lack a introductory photo. After considering different options I explored an MVP on how NYT app users can add their own photo to “no photo recipes.”
NYT Cooking app wire frames
NYT Cooking app prototype
Taking the above wire frames into Invision, I created a prototype to demonstrate how user photos could be added to the app. I also considered the NYT art department would have specifications and included an approval process so the photography would be at a quality and style that the NYT considered helpful.